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Cosmovisor and Systemd

Cosmovisor is a supervisor for the chain binary. It watches governance proposals for chain upgrades. In the case of a chain upgrade it automatically stops the current progress and launches the new binary.

We strongly recommend using Cosmovisor.

Setup Cosmovisor

The source code for Cosmovisor can be found in the Cosmos-SDK monorepo. Assuming you have Go installed you can either clone the directory and build the binary using make, or using the go install command to directly install it to your machine.

Here, we use the go install command:

go install
export PATH=$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin

Before running cosmovisor export the following environement variables:

export DAEMON_HOME=/home/kyve-user/.kyve # Change this to your node home
export DAEMON_NAME=kyved

Assuming the chain binary (./kyved) lies in the current directory, run:

cosmovisor init kyved

The binary can then be started using

cosmovisor run start

For more detailed instructions please visit


One can also build the binary on a local system and just ship the binary to the server. The command then changes to ./cosmovisor.

Setting up Systemd

For Linux systems we recommend using systemd as system supervisor. Others are very likely to work as well, but we have not tested them and do not provide official support.

For the following configuration we assume that the binary is running as the user chain in /home/chain/ and that the cosmovisor binary is located at /home/chain/cosmovisor.

Create a file /etc/systemd/system/kyved.service with the following contents:

Description=KYVED deamon supervising the cosmos-sdk chain binary

ExecStart=/home/chain/cosmovisor run start



The settings for DAEMON_ALLOW_DOWNLOAD_BINARIES and UNSAFE_SKIP_BACKUP depend on your requirements. Please visit for more information.

Start the daemon

sudo systemctl enable kyved
sudo systemctl start kyved

It can be stopped using

sudo systemctl stop kyved

You can see its logs with

sudo journalctl -u kyved -f