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Directory structure

By default, the folder at ~/.kyve is where your configuration and data are saved.

.                                    # ~/.kyve
├── data/ # Contains the application state and history.
└── config/
├── app.toml # Application-related configuration file.
├── client.toml # Client-related configuration file.
├── config.toml # Tendermint-related configuration file.
├── genesis.json # The genesis file.
├── node_key.json # Private key to use for node authentication in the p2p protocol.
└── priv_validator_key.json # Private key to use as a validator in the consensus protocol.

The home directory of kyved can be specified and updated by using the global flag --home <directory>

Main config files

The Cosmos SDK automatically generates three configuration files inside ~/.kyve/config:

  • config.toml: used to configure Tendermint, learn more on Tendermint's documentation
  • app.toml: generated by the Cosmos SDK, and used to configure your app, such as state pruning strategies, telemetry, gRPC and REST servers configuration, state sync, JSON-RPC, etc.
  • client.toml: generated by the Cosmos SDK, and used to configure your client, such as keyring backend, chain id or broadcast mode

Peer configuration

In ~/.kyve/config/config.toml you can set your peers. We would recommend setting those peers in the config file directly. Available persistent peers can be found below:

We recommend adding a certain amount of persistent peers. We provide initial nodes hosted in Europe and the United States.


  • 430845649afaad0a817bdf36da63b6f93bbd8bd1@
  • b68e5131552e40b9ee70427879eb34e146ef20df@


  • 4f97b95345da25877da84533712795a8671b02c8@
  • 164efedef3711d449604fefe88f79669ccd54447@

Example configuration with all four peers:

persistent_peers = "430845649afaad0a817bdf36da63b6f93bbd8bd1@,b68e5131552e40b9ee70427879eb34e146ef20df@,4f97b95345da25877da84533712795a8671b02c8@,164efedef3711d449604fefe88f79669ccd54447@"

Other peers can be found here.


Note: You can share your peer with the tendermint show-node-id command.

./kyved tendermint show-node-id

Disk Usage Optimization

The size of the blockchain database typically increases with time, depending on factors such as block speed and transaction volume.

Fortunately, there are several configurations that can significantly reduce the disk space required. However, some of these changes may only take full effect when you configure and sync from the beginning with the new settings.


By default the last 362880 states are kept and at a 10 block interval the state gets pruned. By specifying "nothing" the node will not delete anything and all the history will be stored. This setting is required for "archival nodes". By specifying "everything" the 2 latest states will be kept, pruning at 10 block intervals.

pruning = "default | nothing | everything"

Of course custom pruning strategies can be applied. More information can be found in the comments of app.toml. If you don't plan on accessing past state or providing state sync we recommend settings this to "everything".

State-sync snapshots

State sync snapshots allow other nodes to rapidly join the network without replaying historical blocks, instead downloading and applying a snapshot of the application state at a given height. This is disabled by default and can be specified in app.toml. If you want to provide statesync to other nodes, you also need to have pruning enabled for the amount of recent blocks you want to provide state-sync for.

Example configuration for providing state-sync every 200 blocks for the past two days:

pruning = custom
pruning-keep-recent = 3000
pruning-interval = 100

snapshot-interval = 200
snapshot-keep-recent = 144

snapshot-interval specifies the block interval at which local state sync snapshots are taken (0 to disable).


The default logging level is set to "info" which generates a large number of logs. This level of logging can be helpful at the beginning to ensure that the node is syncing properly. However, once you have confirmed that syncing is progressing smoothly, you can reduce the log level to "warn" or "error". On config.toml set the following:

log_level = "warn"


If you are sure you do not need to query a transaction by its hash from your node you can disable tx-indexing. In config.toml under [tx_index] set

indexer = "null"